Monday, February 26, 2007
Still Faithful?
Is my husband cheating on me?
Those of you that know Jon are I'm sure thinking that this is absurd. But let's review that facts:
1. Jon brought flowers for me while he was at the store Friday night (purple too!)
2. Jon finally took apart the vacuum cleaner that broke over a week ago. He had previously told me that he couldn't fix it and I needed to find a repair shop. Without being asked, he had it working better than ever in 10 minutes!
3. Jon cuddled up and took a nap with me on Sunday afternoon.
4. Jon said the sweetest things to me yesterday!
5. Jon rubbed the knots on my temples last night for more than 5 minutes. (I always ask him to rub my neck or head or shoulders. He NEVER does!)
6. Jon has been hugging me more over the past few days. (Hugs are my favorite thing. They used to be his as well.) One of the things that caught my attention years ago was the fact that this huge football player was such a gentle, loving person. Lately he's replaced hugs with PlayStation, books/magazines, & TV.
I believe that is all the evidence I have.
Don't you find it strange that ALL of these things are occurring within days of each other? Could it be the actions of a guilty conscience?....... If it was anyone else, maybe.
But come on, this is Jon! Being unfaithful would be WAY TOO MUCH WORK for him. But I did confront him with the evidence today, and I asked him just what was going on. His response:
"No, I'm not having an affair! I just realized that I haven't been showing you just how I feel."
..... or something to that affect.
How sweet is he!?!?!? Now I'm even more suspicious! (Just kidding) I am just thankful God chose me. He's definitely one in a million!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Final Game of the Season
Baby Ben Wallace
Here they are during the styling:
Braden showing how he can store objects in his hair:
Baby Ben Wallace:
For Me?
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Oh No!
I haven't updated in a full week! And I have no pictures to post!
Since last Thursday:
I subbed on Friday at the middle school. Health, specifically Sex Ed. They had guest speakers though, so I learned some things.
Saturday Braden had a game in the morning. We got more snow as well.
Sunday we went to church. Issa and I have been in the 2-3 yrs. old class this month. We also got together in the evening with our S.S. class and watched another Creation Science DVD.
Monday Braden had no school (President's Day), but I did. Braden spent the morning with my very pregnant friend, Ali. They baked some delicious M&M cookies and watched cartoons until I got back with lunch. Ali is due in 4 weeks. She is huge and so cute!
Tuesday was just another day. I had class until 8pm. We did our Children's Lit presentation on Chris Van Allsburg (Polar Exp., Jumanji....... my favorite, Two Bad Ants).
Yesterday (Wednesday) we awoke to freezing fog. Yes, there is apparently such a thing as freezing fog. It was horrible! It was so think. Driving was a nightmare. Braden was cancelled, but I still had to make it to Lima. How do you cross streets in this? You say a quick prayer and you go. There was no way to see anything. Obviously, I survived. I didn't have time to take pictures of this mess, but if you go to: Amy Covey has some great pictures of it. She is the mom of one of Braden's friends and takes amazing pictures!
Today I am cleaning up, doing laundry, and trying to be educationally productive. I have a few things I want to work on before Braden comes home. Also, we're going to the library today. I need books for a penguin paper due next week.
If you're lucky, something in my life might require picture-taking soon and I'll have something to post. (also one of Megan's graduation presents arrived today! any ideas on Phil?)
Tomorrow I'm back at the middle school!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Fort or Tunnel?
The Best Picture Ever! ! !
Showing Jon How It's Really Done!
If I hadn't spun around backwards, I would have made it over just fine!
Dad Tries to Join the Fun
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
A Few More
That's all for tonight. Tomorrow I will post pictures of our afternoon sledding!
Digging out
The Lord was with us today though. We were saved by a man on a 4-wheeler with a snow plow! He cleared the rest of the drive and a bit of the sidewalks. If it weren't for him, we would probably still be out there shoveling.
And More Snow!
More Snow
Lots of Snow Pictures
He's lucky he's so cute! ..... On a side note: the boots he is wearing are MY BOOTS!!
Here is Braden in front of the tree in Grammy and Grandpa's yard. Yes, there is a yard in there somewhere. There is a driveway too!
Here is my baby! She only wore her back boots today. She refused to leave the porch with her front boots on.
Here is the yard on the other side of the garage. Lots of snow!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
It's Been Snowing & Blowing All Day
It's been blowing all day as well. Van Wert had wind gusts up to 35 mph. Do you know how much fun it is to chase your recycling around TWICE because it kept blowing over? Good news is they picked it up before lunch!
This is what I found after dinner tonight! You can see the outline of the door in the snow. I wanted to take a few more pictures, but Jon told me to close the door before the snow ended up in the house.
No school tomorrow! We hope Jon has the day off as well. I had to shovel the back door 4-5 times today to let the dogs out. I also had to shovel in front of the garage door so Jon could get his car in! --- I'll post more pictures tomorrow. We are supposed to have a total of 10"-15" by morning! --- Don't you wish you were here?!!?