Braden went sledding this afternoon with his friend, Kolton. They went sledding down a little hill behind Kolt's grandma's house. Nothing too speedy, but this was Braden's first experience on his sleds. Also, it was around 15 degrees today!!! I'm pretty sure I almost froze to death when Trisha and I went out to take pictures of the boys. (Really)

There he goes! If you look, you can see the new high school behind him. Technically, it is the performing arts center in front of the school.

No, he didn't wipe out. He rolled over and layed there for several minutes, at the bottom of the hill. Maybe trying to warm up!

Braden and Kolton .

Kolt gave Braden a little boost as he sailed down headfirst.

I would have loved to have seen his face, but with the sun this was the best I could get. (Really, I did pretty well. It was so bright out, with the sun and the snow, that Trisha and I couldn't see the screens on our cameras. We just had to guess and see what we got once we were back inside.)
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