Saturday, March 24, 2007

Oh My Gosh!

This has been cracking me up for several days now!

I bought Braden this bottle of Clearly Canadian. I saw Nash on it at the store, and despite my feelings for him, still purchased the drink. After I got it home, I realized that CLEARLY Steve Nash is CANADIAN. Get it?
Steve Nash is Clearly Canadian......... because he is Canadian.
(Jon thinks I'm a dork, but someone somewhere must have my sense of humor. Right?)

In other "Oh my gosh" news:

Friday was apparently National Have A Baby Day!
Chris and Lindsay welcomed Peyton Dirk into the world, and
Ali and Jake were in the hospital and supposed to welcome Baby Kate as well.
** I was going to call Ali's sister and find out, but I have yet to do that. My new plan is to go see Ali and baby Monday. I hope!**

Does anyone else feel scratchy?

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