Braden started third grade on Wednesday.
(Boy do I feel old!) He had a great day and seems to really like his teacher, Mrs. Hohman. Naturally, we were running a bit late that morning, so I had to take his picture quickly when he got home that afternoon. By that time he was sweaty, somewhat disheveled from P.E., and dying to change clothes.

Mom made him wear a collared shirt and khaki shorts. But he loved wearing his new shoes, finally!

That night, he was so tired he didn't even wake up when I turned on his light and took his picture. Even the flash in his face didn't stir him!

You'll notice he hadn't been too tired to get out of bed and put on a necklace and bracelet.
i'm slightly confused as to why exactly he is wearing a bracelet and necklace to bed?
You and me both, Amanda!
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