I have finally uploaded about 30, but the computer isn't cooperating. It would only let me post 3. So I'll have to make a point of getting on again and uploading more later.
What's been going on? We made it through football season. Braden has begun indoor soccer. My finger is healing, but it also appears that the nail is in fact beginning to fall off (slowly). I'm handling this better than I had anticipated. Our Sunday School class has started "Building Your Mates Self-Esteem." It's a really great study that I would recommend to other couples. We laughed quite a bit last night while doing our homework. We had to say good-bye to Raider just over a week ago --- pictures and details will be posted. We had a nice Thanksgiving with my grandparents. Jon did a great job with the meal. And I think I did a pretty good job with appetizers and desserts. Oh, I survived 2 preschool Thanksgiving feasts! Also, Jon and I got up and went shopping on Black Saturday. I love my husband! He was a great shopping companion! We purchased everything we set out for, plus several extras. Our shopping is close to complete! I also put up our tree (alone) and finished decorating. We still have garland to put up outside and maybe lights, but I doubt Jon will and I know I won't so....
Now for the pictures. Since it's finally gotten cold, here are some shots of how Dallas has been passing her time.

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