On Thursday, you may remember, I had the worst day of the year. Well, on Saturday, I had the best day of the year (kind of).
Saturday morning, as I was walking into the Y for Braden's basketball game, the Exmans were arriving as well.
(Our neighbors. Lesa works with me at preschool.) Lesa informed me that when she was asking Bailey what she wanted to bring to school on her birthday
(which is the same day as Braden's. They are just 2 yrs apart.), Bailey told her she wanted to bring the cookies I made at Christmas!!!! How great did that make me feel!
---- And Grandma Kathy, you should feel awesome as well. It was your recipe! ---- I baked cut-out cookies twice over Christmas and brought some to them both times. They all LOVED them! And Jon Exman's mom even said she'd pay me for them! And asked if I sold them to other people.
WOW! I'm still pretty pumped about the whole thing.
I told Bailey if she would come over and pick out cookie cutters, I would be honored to bake cookies for her class. (No pressure!)
And Braden's team won their game, 8-6. Yes, that was the score for the basketball game!