Last Friday, Jon's back was a bit tight when he got home. But after a LONG first week at his new job, he was in bed before 7pm and slept until around 8am on Saturday. When he woke up, this is what he looked like. His back muscles were so tight......... this was standing up straight! (Please don't feel sorry only for Jon though. Of course we had places to be on Saturday and church on Easter Sunday. I had to walk around with him looking like this!!!)
He went to the chiro twice this week and is no longer leaning.

In other pictures, this is what greeted me when I got out of the shower one night this week. Jon was giving Braden a blackjack lesson.

Hope everyone is enjoying their spring break! I know I am! Monday is fast approaching and I have no idea what my little ones will be doing now that the holidays are all behind us. Any ideas? This weekend, we will be taking our trip to the indoor waterpark that had been snowed out several weeks ago. Keep us in your prayers! (There is no snow in the forecast for this weekend!)
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