Several minutes later, (Jon's back upstairs because "it's not really coming this way," Braden went next door to my grandparents' to be closer to their neighbors' basement) Krista heads out to put up her NEW car windows with Nikki not too far behind. I yell at Jon to come down because the wind is out of control. As he is getting downstairs, they come flying back inside looking for the safest spot in our basementless house. Trees/limbs had just come crashing down before their eyes! Nikki can't get a hold of Josh. Krista can't find Andy and the kids. I can't get through at Brooke's to see if she made it home. We ended up getting Braden and going to the neighbors' basement. But the tree limbs seemed to have been the worst of it. After we emerged, we started looking around at the damage. We even grabbed the camera and walked down the street to see a car that was now under the majority of a tree!
Here we are (minus Brooke G) in my grandparents' front yard. Krista's brand new SUV was several feet away. It was fine. -- And yes, it appears I was under dressed for my movie night!

As we talked to my cousin, several houses down, someone noticed this rainbow.

This is about halfway down the street. They had more limbs down in the back, but the house looked like it had been spared.

It was so weird to look down that hole. Can you see how the massive roots just snapped off!

And then we decided to head out to see if we could find where a tornado "reportedly" touched down outside of town. We picked up Brooke first. She was fine. Her boys were fine. They even headed out to Burger King for a snack! Nikki found Josh, also ok. Krista finally found Andy and the kids. Everyone was safe. Krista's kids lost their swing set though.
Here is the only exciting thing we saw, aside from trees and limbs. Not sure what else will be revealed this morning.

1 comment:
Wow that is some bad weather! We had some crazy weather here also a few weeks ago. A tornado hit downtown Lafayette and power lines were everywhere! Also, there was major flooding one day after was so bad that I pulled over and called my dad to see what I should do. He met me and showed me a back way that was not flooded. I drive an SUV and I didn't think I had a chance...especially when the radio people kept announcing all of the cars that were stalled. Glad y'all made it through and everyone is safe!
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