So Braden came home from a week (5 days) at camp. He got back after lunch last Friday and boy was he gross!!! The second half of the week they spent in "miners' tents." Obviously they didn't have plumbing back then, so the boys had Port-o-Pots near the tents, but no full bathrooms. Therefore, during the second half of the week, showers and teeth brushing had to be done during free time. Now, if a 9 yrs old boy was given the choice between swimming or showering, which do you think he would pick?
I am so glad I was not the one in the van with the 5 of them on the way home from camp!! Braden was filthy....... and he had a mild rash, due to the filth! I sent him straight to the shower and then to brush when he got home. Then I washed EVERYTHING, even though there were several outfits still clean because "I forgot to change somedays."
(Gag!) He said he felt so good after brushing his teeth. -- And the rash was gone the next morning!
After he was clean I noticed this:

It looked a lot worse in person. What happened? He has no idea. But at least he's back home and smells fresh!