Braden and Jon assembled their annual gingerbread house on Monday. Here are a few pictures of the decorating process.

You'll notice that Braden's house looks nothing like the house on the box. Is it even possible to create a house that looks like that? Jon says it is........ if Braden isn't the one in charge. While I find this hard to believe (especially given my lack of patience!) I am tempted to buy 3 kits and have a friendly little competition next Christmas! (I buy the kits right after Christmas when they get marked down and then put them away until the next year!)
Anyone interested in joining our friendly contest please let me know :) If you live out of state, we can always compete via the Internet.

And my project on Monday night: Braden's right canine! You'll remember he told me it would fall out on Thanksgiving. Well, it didn't and I got tired of his whining that it hurt to bite/chew because it would push the tooth back into his gums. Blah! Blah! Blah!
Monday night I finally asked if he just wanted me to yank it out. He said yes and sat down on the couch. I gave it a few tugs/wiggles to get an idea of where it was still attached. The root was completely gone. It was hanging on by both sides, but the front, back, and middle were ready. So, one more strong tug and out it came!
He put it in his tooth fairy pillow (For those of you with small children who have yet to loose teeth, I would encourage you to buy a pillow. It makes finding the tooth so much easier. It fits easily under Braden's other pillows and has a nice pocket for the tooth, and later for the $1 to fit into.) and went to bed. Around 10:30 that night, as I was just relaxing and beginning to drift off to sleep, I REMEMBERED THE TOOTH!

Now usually, I never have cash. But I happened to have two $5's and a $10 bill in my wallet that night. But the tooth fairy only carries $1's!!!! (Usually Jon would be sent to the ATM and then to the store to buy a pack of gum or something.) Jon's asleep. What to do? Wait! Braden has four $1's in his wallet!
I run downstairs and grab $5. Run back upstairs and into Braden's room. Trade him his $1's for the $5. Dig under his pillow for the tooth pillow. Swap the tooth for the cash. Stick it back under his pillow. Go back into my room where I put the tooth in a Ziplock, labeled with the date, and hide it in my jewelry box with the other teeth he's lost. Put the extra dollars on the dresser. And finally climb into bed where I have to unwind all over again!
The funniest part of this story was the next morning when Braden woke up. He remembered his tooth right away. Found his pillow. Told me he got a dollar. Then, knowing his mom never has any money and now believing that there is no Santa Claus, says, "probably from my wallet!"
And that was it. He didn't check his wallet. He didn't even put the $1 in his wallet. I put it in his wallet today after looking at it sitting on the entertainment center for the last 2 days.
Strange little boy! Though not so little anymore! ...... btw, what do you do with all the baby teeth? It seems wrong to just throw them in the trash.
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