Here is Braden with the opened big gift from Grandpa Dave. An electric guitar kit! Yes, we now have a guitar, an amp, soft case, picks, tuner, DVD. Now we just need some lessons. He did learn how to tune his guitar yesterday. He was a bit overwhelmed by the actually "playing" but still likes to pretend to be a rock star!

Here is the big present that, until late Christmas Eve, had been labeled "To: Jon, From: Dave" Braden was so absorbed on Christmas morning that he didn't even notice the gift tag had been changed. Even when he brought the present over to Jon! (Most people would not call Braden observant!)

Braden, with his new scooter in the background, opening his new Florida hoodie and t-shirt. And a book on WWII.

My mom got Braden a PSP for Christmas. He was just a little excited.

A gift for the family. This game is really nice and I purchased it off Amazon for a GREAT price!

My batteries promptly died after I took the guitar picture. So this is all there is! Sorry! More details later. Time for breakfast!
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas with your loved ones. Our thoughts were with those we were missing this week!
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