Someone thought boxing sounded more fun than board games. What do you know! We have inflatable boxing gloves in Braden's closet! So...........
Here are Jon and Austin. Jon maintains he couldn't get his hands all the way in and was scared to hit Austin hard and knock him out. (I ordered some new gloves since these were leaking air. Hopefully, they will be able to schedule a rematch so that Jon can defend his name!)

This may be the best picture I've ever taken!

Before Round 2. (Austin had Jordan video this on his cell phone. He was pumped that he beat up a D-1 athlete! His parents both talked to us at church Sunday morning and said what a good time Austin had..... and yes, he showed them the video.)

Kayla and Alyssa gave it a try. Too bad Alyssa couldn't stop laughing long enough to get in a good punch.
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