We're all still alive and well. Just haven't felt like getting on much lately. And we've been pretty busy! Braden is starting baseball practice, still meeting on Sunday nights and Wednesday nights with our sr. high kids at church, Jon and I have both read the
Twilight series, I went on a Women's Retreat last weekend, I am trying to find volunteers for vacation bible school, I went to a Hillsong London concert last Tuesday night, and we are headed to Texas next Tuesday!!!
But to tide you over until I get around to posting all the other pictures.....
Dallas trying to open some Easter eggs filled with dog treats. (these are the only pictures I took involving Easter!)

Dallas sleeping while Jon read.

And proof that Jon read the
Twilight series. He skipped the first book because we had watched the movie, but he read the other 3 in less than a week. Then he started looking up info online about New Moon - the movie, which is set to release on my birthday! Then he found the unfinished
Midnight Sun online and read that! He downloaded it for me, but some of us have been too busy to read it :)
Can you say "obsessed?"