Sunday, May 31, 2009

Doctor Murdered

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — Dr. George Tiller, one of the nation's few providers of late-term abortions despite decades of protests and attacks, was shot and killed Sunday in a church where he was serving as an usher.

Tiller's Women's Health Care Services clinic is one of just three in the nation where abortions are performed after the 21st week of pregnancy. The clinic was heavily fortified and Tiller often traveled with a bodyguard, but Stolz said there was no indication of security at the church Sunday.

While I am in no way condoning this man's murder, this story caught my attention because he was murdered at his church, where he was serving as an usher! He is one of only 3 doctors in the nation that performs abortions after 21 weeks! How anyone can do that, and believe in God, and worship God, is beyond me!
Without getting into details tonight, let me just refer you to a few resources. Judge for yourself! Educate yourself!

From the moment of conception, this is a baby! After only a few weeks, this baby is able to feel pain! Can you even imagine being torn to pieces, or having your skull crushed, to kill you? (These are both methods used in abortions.)

Please check out:

Why Pro-Life? .... by Randy Alcorn

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