Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Food For Thought

Heard a pastor mention this in a YouTube video the other night. Jon and I found it very interesting, so I thought I'd share...... This isn't the video we watched the first time, but the concept is still there.

God has specifically given you a mate that is weak and lacking in areas where you want him/her to be strong. But also strong in areas where he/she must be strong so that they are not tempted beyond what they can bear.
Why? To conform us to the image of Christ. So that we might learn to love unconditionally, as He loves us.

As I listened to this video, listened to the description of that unconditional love....... I thought of the husband God has given to me. I thought of all the ways he loves me when I am undeserving. Now if only I can be that for him. And from there, be better at giving it to others.

Check it out! Paul Washer explains it better than I have.

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