Braden has recently begun working on his core.... {laughs} I guess they learned to do this in P.E. once and he really enjoys it. He even challenged Dad to a contest the other day. Braden won! So Dad challenged him to a cartwheel contest. Daddy won! (They were pretty funny to watch!)
Here are some pictures from last Thursday. He worked on this forever!
First successful attempt that Mom got a picture of.

You can see how unimpressed Dallas is!

Not sure if this was an attempted extension or Braden falling.

This would definitely be a fall!

Taking a break.

Guess who was sitting next to me?

Back up! And topless this time!


I dyed my hair "dark chocolate brown" on Thursday morning. Hard to tell with the flash, but you get the idea.



Focused again....

Almost ready....

Almost ready....

And he's up!
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