Sunday, May 30, 2010

Braden's Trip to BizTown

I've never uploaded using Picasa before, so we'll see how this goes! On Monday, May 24, Braden's class was one of 5 fifth grade classes that went to BizTown in Ft. Wayne. For the past few weeks, the kids have been learning a bit about the grown up world of jobs, bills, checking and saving accounts, etc. At BizTown, they were able to put what they learned into action. Each child was assigned a job at one of 14 businesses. Braden was the Chief Financial Officer of the hardware store. His duties included paying the bills, printing employee paychecks twice, and depositing his business' income. (Above: during the "town meeting," they asked all CFOs to stand. CFOs, CEOs, the Mayor, and several others were required to dress professionally. Braden borrowed Dad's tie!)
Above: I believe he was printing paychecks. Below: at his computer, hard at work. Of the 14 businesses, Braden's was one of 4 that repayed their bank loan (in full plus interest) by the end of the day! Way to go, Braden!
One of the town meetings. Braden is under the PAINT sign, leaning against the mailbox.
I have several more pictures, but I think I'll load those later. I'm not a fan of the way Picasa is set up on Blogger.
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