Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Wallet Feels Violated!

Am I the only one who feels violated by the oil companies? This was the price of gasoline on Friday. Luckily, I haven't had to pay this much yet. I filled up Thursday at $3.39 a gallon. Today we topped off in Beaverdam, where gas was $3.33 a gallon, the cheapest around! Thank goodness I only have 2 more days of driving to Lima!

In other news:

Here is the bottom of the stairs! The Mavs flag has been hanging over the roman shade since the end of last season. (I forgot to hang it outside this season, which is the excuse for them losing in Round 1) I ordered Jon the "Collectors' Edition Dirk postage stamps" as a surprise for Father's Day. As luck would have it, he was home the day they came in the mail and I was not! I bought a frame this week and today, we created a Dirk corner in the game room. Jon moved his Dirk picture from Braden's room as well. (Braden is currently not a Mavs fan you know!)
***What had been hanging there? Only my UL diploma. ***

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