Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nothing to Report

I have been a terrible blogger this week. If I don't start posting more often, I may have to stop yelling at Amanda! (Who will hopefully continue to update once she gets settled in Mexico.)

We spent our weekend playing taxi driver to Braden. He had dance rehearsal on Friday night and two recital performances on Saturday. Here are two pictures I tried to take during rehearsal. We were sitting towards the back. Also, the reflectors on the costumes didn't help! We ordered a DVD, but it won't be ready until July. Jon tried to video it himself, but the lighting messed up every one's abilities to focus.

In the first picture, Braden is second from the right.

In this picture, he is third from the left. (You'll notice the white shoes. We forgot to grab his dance sneakers before we left. He did have them on Saturday!)

And because I have nothing else to share, look what Jon found (thanks to me)!
Shiner Bock beer, made in Shiner, Texas!

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