Sunday, December 24, 2006

He Never Learns

Merry Christmas Eve to all! And to all: please say a prayer for my idiot husband! Exactly one year ago today, where was he? Throwing up everything he had ever eaten or ever thought of eating.
Fast forward one year. Where was Jon last n
ight? Same place!
Last year involved super hot tamales he had to eat while drinking a glass of milk, a glass of water, and some type of juice. (Totally ate away at his stomach lining I'm sure) Then we have dinner at Chili's and he spends the night and following day hugging the pot.
This year involved tamales again. Not super hot, but lots of them. Then he goes to Buffalo Wild Wings with some friends and eats artery clogging wings.......... and spends the wee hours hugging the pot!
Does anyone see a pattern developing?

So, I am forced to go to our COUPLES Sunday School class alone..... ON CHRISTMAS EVE!! Have we learned a lesson? I sure hope so. Next year, Jon gets cereal and sandwiches on the eve of Christmas
Eve. (Someone please remind me!)

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