Thursday, May 10, 2007

I Love Beth Moore

Here are a few of my favorites from our current study The Patriarchs:

God hears the prayers of His children..... I believe far more often that not God answers our prayers immediately though we may not see the fulfillment with our own eyes until much later.... Though the action tarries, it shall come.

As you stare into your Bible and take in what he says, the light of God's Word reflects off your face and you become radiant. Imagine Christ looking at His Father right this moment and saying, "Isn't she gorgeous?"

Somehow we never grow accustomed to the idea that pain and difficulties are part of the human experience. God is not going to exempt His children from life's difficulty. Rather, He highlights those very challenges to prove our faith is genuine.

There are several more, but I'll stop for now with this last one:
Everything is us that cries out in resistance to an end comes from an innate sense that we were meant to be without one.

I have a few pictures to post when I get home tonight. Today is Dallas' 2nd birthday!! I'm sure you all sent her a card/gift. She'll be so excited! I'm hoping to take her out for ice cream tonight and get a great birthday picture. Check back later! :)

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