Friday, March 14, 2008

Coolest Teacher?

Last week, my W-F kiddos were treated to a special story read by Susan Mathew (Children's Director at the church). She read "The Jacket I Wear in the Snow" to them. To make the story more exciting, I put on the MANY layers of clothes as she read. She gave me a list of items the day before. I brought in some of my winter clothes & some of Jon's. (It's a lot easier getting his stuff over my own!)

Here we are towards the beginning of the story. I have on my coat, a red scarf, red hat, and am putting on my mittens.

Much later in the story, I had to put on long johns. Even using Jon's, I had some trouble.

Here we are at the end. Susan (playing the part of the mom in the story) helps me to get out of ALL of my winter clothes. I had on the coat, scarf, mittens, hat, long johns, extra socks, boots, and a sweater! And all of this was over the jeans and sweater I was already wearing! --No, the long johns never did get on all the way. And yes, it was a little warm. But the kids loved it! There were lots of laughs.

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