Saturday, July 26, 2008

Random Update

Just letting everyone know that we are alive and well! I haven't taken any pictures this past week - thus, nothing to post.
Braden's had football camp 3 days last week.
We spent Thursday afternoon at the Celina Pool. Braden and Nick had a great time and were exhausted!! I got some color, though my shoulders saw a bit too much.
Thursday night, we went to see "Hancock." Great movie, but why can't movies be great without the profanity? Should I have to talk to my son about NEVER using words like that? Can't we just have a clean, funny family movie that's not animated?
Anyway, then Friday we hit a few garage sales in the morning, bought Turtle some crickets (which he chased down and gobbled up!), and bought Braden the supplies he needs for camp. That's right, Sunday afternoon, Braden leaves for a camp in Michigan! He'll be back home on Friday! Keep him and the rest of the kiddos in your prayers please!
Jon's back so I better go help put food away. Have a great weekend, All!

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