Thursday, August 21, 2008

Separation Issues

Braden rode his bike to school today!

This is a big deal for me. --And I'll just say up front that I did follow him in my car! -- He asked yesterday after school if he could start riding his bike. "A.J. and Braydon are going to ride their bikes tomorrow."
I said I didn't think so, but we'd talk to Daddy about it. How does Daddy respond? "Sure!"
I know it's only 3 blocks or so, but he is my baby and what if ............ (you can fill in your choice of scenario) This morning we went over crossing the streets and watching for cars. He was able to tell me just how careful he needed to be when crossing Shannon St.
So, he took off after watching a little SportsCenter. I watched him cross Shannon -- from the kitchen! -- Then I got around and drove by the school on my way to the store. He was on school property and walking his bike around back when I drove by.

Keep us both in your prayers. Me for the peace of mind needed to let him grow up. Braden for safety to and from school.

1 comment:

Laci said...

Oh wow!! That must have been so exciting for him...I know it was hard for you, but just think how exciting it was for him!