Friday, January 16, 2009

Almost Frozen

Yup! It's that cold here. I haven't left the house since Wednesday afternoon. They closed the schools at 1:00pm on Wed. After I picked Braden up, I shoveled the driveway and sidewalks. (Jon got home at 5:00 and said he couldn't tell that I had shoveled!) Aside from letting Dallas out and taking the trash to the garage, I haven't been anywhere since. Schools were closed yesterday and today.
The weather today said it was -13 in Ft. Wayne, -34 with the wind!!!
Guess who opened the cabinets under the sink last night but didn't drip the faucet? And guess whose water line is now frozen? And guess who had a massive headache last night and decided to leave the dinner dishes until this morning? ME! ME! I have a sink full of dishes and no water! Thankfully, the bathroom and laundry room pipes are fine. The kitchen is the farthest down on the water line and is also the western-most part of the house. The temp is supposed to be in the 20s tomorrow. I hope that is enough to start thawing the line.


Have you seen The Shining? Maybe it's because Jon was watching it the other night, but as I was getting a little short tempered this morning, I thought of that movie. Don't worry! I'm not thinking about slaughtering my family or anything like that. I was merely referring to the cabin fever :)

In other news, we've been eating healthy this past week. (Except for tonight. With no way to wash dishes, Jon drove thru Taco Bell for our dinner.) Anyway, Jon has finely gotten serious about eating better and getting in shape. So we've been eating grilled chicken and fish, which I love, and more veggies, which I'm only doing because I love him. I had peppers on my salad one night and steamed broccoli another night. Blah! And we had raw spinach, which I enjoy. We're also eating more fruit, which has been Jon's big challenge. He's not a fruit eater.
Monday and Tuesday I had pretty bad headaches (and of course I've been out of Aleve for at least 2 mo.) that I attributed to sugar shock! So Wednesday I went to the store and bought a bag of Swedish Fish. In the Eat This, Not That book, this candy is listed as a healthier choice if you need a sweet fix. I also made some sweet tea!

I had some other thoughts I was going to blog about, but Braden is watching a WWII movie. It's hard to be eloquent with some much gunfire! So until next time, STAY WARM!!

1 comment:

amanda said...

our digital thermometer stops at 0.0 so I don't know the temp here, but i feel your pain. instead of saying "goodbye" everybody in boston says "stay warm"