Sunday, May 30, 2010

BizTown 2

Be sure you read the post below this first. I decided to go ahead and load the other pictures now. Picasa is super fast, but I'm not sure yet how to load more than 4 at a time. Above: Braden standing at his business. I was volunteering "across the street" at the college/post office. Below: Braden came over to take a test. If the kids got 4 out of 5 questions right they earned a degree = more money. Braden earned one of three degrees available.

Above: after he finished all his job responsibilities, Braden walked around the town advertising the various items his business had for sale. In case I didn't mention, some of the businesses sold products the kids could buy and take home using part of their paycheck. I'm not sure what Braden was selling. Below: Braden, AJ, and Jordan at the restaurant. Kids packed their lunches for the day. They got free drinks at the restaurant and could use part of their paycheck to buy popcorn or cookies.
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