Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wow! Is that really from 19-UGLY-7?

Jon has been wanting to get a little love seat to put on the front porch for a while now. A few months ago, my grandpa found a really cute one at an auction. I went and looked at it, but it ended up going for more than we were hoping to pay.

Well, last week while I was at school all day, Grandpa came over to tell Jon there was another love seat at an auction he was at. Jon and Braden went with him to check it out. And aren't we lucky? We got this lovely love seat AND its matching couch for $5!

It is really comfortable, but it is also the ugliest thing I've ever seen! To which Jon and Grandpa reply, "you should have seen the brown and orange one!"

Hmmm..... Is that a good sign?

Dallas enjoys being able to easily see out the windows as she monitors the neighborhood.
**** The couch has been covered with a big white blanket. I only uncovered it long enough to take these pictures, so you could get the full effect! ****

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I'm Not Really Sure

He was supposedly helping me clean and rearrange his room......

This last picture I took so you could get a good look at the outfit he picked out this morning. Red shirt. Red shorts. Very Phil, wouldn't you agree? And yes, he did leave the house in this. (The clothes, not the cape and headgear.)

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Becca's husband and his brother-in-law created a web site to keep people updated on her progress. Check it out:

And if you are interested in making a meal for the family, or for those of you out of state, have a good recipe we could make, let me know!

Keep praying!
It moves mountains!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Because He Loves Me....

Every six months, my rings have to be inspected and cleaned at the jewelry store Jon bought them from, Jared - The Galleria of Jewelry (for the insurance). I love Jared! It is a great store. The employees are nice. They have a snack area with water, coffee, cookies, etc. They have a kids room with a TV, Game Cube, climbing thingy, and toys. Oh, and gorgeous jewelry!

Anyway, now that we are in living in Smallville, we have to drive about 2 hrs to the nearest Jared. Today, we drove up to Toledo to have my rings done. They look GREAT! I think they are the prettiest they've been since we bought them! Wouldn't you agree? Here is a black and white close-up:

So while we were waiting, we were looking around. Someday I would like another wedding band to stack on top of my engagement ring. Someday! I also found another ring I love that has now been added to the list. (It's the same price as my wedding band, so someday.) And I found a three stone diamond necklace I added to the list! Jon suggested I try on the wedding band with my rings to see how they would look. It was a lot of diamonds! I had also been looking at some Amethyst rings, so why not try that on as well? Ok. It was really pretty and not very expensive so........ because he loves me so.......... (and because the sales lady was the nicest ever! She even organized all of my insurance stuff and condensed it.)

It is a little hard to see. I couldn't get a good picture of it, and then my batteries died. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow when they are done charging. Here is another attempt. It isn't a good pic, but I love Dallas peeking in the background!

(Dallas and I got up at 7 am and went for a nice long walk together, over 1 hr!)

My Wallet Feels Violated!

Am I the only one who feels violated by the oil companies? This was the price of gasoline on Friday. Luckily, I haven't had to pay this much yet. I filled up Thursday at $3.39 a gallon. Today we topped off in Beaverdam, where gas was $3.33 a gallon, the cheapest around! Thank goodness I only have 2 more days of driving to Lima!

In other news:

Here is the bottom of the stairs! The Mavs flag has been hanging over the roman shade since the end of last season. (I forgot to hang it outside this season, which is the excuse for them losing in Round 1) I ordered Jon the "Collectors' Edition Dirk postage stamps" as a surprise for Father's Day. As luck would have it, he was home the day they came in the mail and I was not! I bought a frame this week and today, we created a Dirk corner in the game room. Jon moved his Dirk picture from Braden's room as well. (Braden is currently not a Mavs fan you know!)
***What had been hanging there? Only my UL diploma. ***

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nothing to Report

I have been a terrible blogger this week. If I don't start posting more often, I may have to stop yelling at Amanda! (Who will hopefully continue to update once she gets settled in Mexico.)

We spent our weekend playing taxi driver to Braden. He had dance rehearsal on Friday night and two recital performances on Saturday. Here are two pictures I tried to take during rehearsal. We were sitting towards the back. Also, the reflectors on the costumes didn't help! We ordered a DVD, but it won't be ready until July. Jon tried to video it himself, but the lighting messed up every one's abilities to focus.

In the first picture, Braden is second from the right.

In this picture, he is third from the left. (You'll notice the white shoes. We forgot to grab his dance sneakers before we left. He did have them on Saturday!)

And because I have nothing else to share, look what Jon found (thanks to me)!
Shiner Bock beer, made in Shiner, Texas!

Saturday, May 19, 2007


Sorry I haven't updated lately. We've been busy, busy! I subbed on Friday for the best class! Sure they were talkative, but they got all of their work done. Even the worksheet left for "if you have time." I was impressed!

What else happened on Friday? Only our 3 yr. anniversary!!!!! How exciting! Jon and I spent a "quiet" night at Braden's dance rehearsal. Braden had to be there by 6:15 and we left there at 9:35! (There were still over one dozen dances to rehearse) It was a long night!

Today was the big rehearsal(s). Braden had a one o'clock show and a seven o'clock show. He did great and said he wanted to dance again next year! He'll be doing hip hop again and tap!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Who Is That?



After, while holding a bagful of hair:

This was the best finished product pic I could get. After he admired "the new Braden" for several minutes, Dad said no one at school would know who he was tomorrow.
"Mom, what should I tell Mrs. Stemen my name is when she asks who I am?"
I don't know, Braden. (Pause while he thinks about it.)
"Josh. Josh Klinker." Sounds like a great new name to me!

So...... meet Josh Klinker:

I Spy With My Little Eye...

A monkey in a tree......

No, wait.....

It's just an adorable little boy!

Don't you just love those eyes and that smile! I know I do. (Though it is a little difficult early in the morning or really late at night!)

Monday, May 14, 2007

My God is an awesome, mighty God who takes great delight in His children;
My God does not reserve miracles for the Old Testament;
but is still performing them today,
so that we may praise His Name!

Ps. 50:15
"and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."
Are you singing His praises to the world? Have you thanked Him today? We are so blessed!

YMCA Track Meet

Saturday was the YMCA elementary track meet. Grades K-6 competed in several events. Braden ran the 100M, 200M, the 4 x 100 relay, and did the softball throw. For some reason, Blogger won't let me load the pictures all at once, so they are divided by "track" and "field."

Here is Braden at the start of the 100M. This was his first race. As you can see, he is by far the biggest 2nd grader out there. I believe he finished 4th though. (Jon was at the finish line.)

Braden was the third leg of the 4x100. He did a great job. For some reason they ran this last. He managed to run this after finishing the 100M and the 200M. I was very proud of my little track star! Their relay team either finished 2nd or 3rd.

Afterwards, he was pooped!

Softball Throw

Braden waited patiently in line for his turn.

Jon stepped in to help while another parent volunteer went to watch his child race.
Aren't they cute!

Look at that form! His throws were in the 80+ ft range. One of his little friends threw in the 90's though. Awards are handed out this week at the schools. We'll just have to wait and see.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Enjoying Spring

Here are a few pictures of the kids enjoying the great weather we've been having. Raider enjoys the shade best. He loves his boy. And he loves to wrestle with Dallas.

My Brave Boys

Blogger is being stupid at the moment. It won't let me upload the pictures from the track meet yesterday, but it will let me upload these. Jon and Braden were playing ball Saturday afternoon. Bray hit a wiffle ball up on the roof and it got stuck in the gutter. Jon got out the ladder to retrieve it. He had the hardest time getting it out! As you can tell, he could have climbed high enough to see into the gutter and gotten it out quickly. But being afraid of heights, this is as high as he would go. (A few times, he didn't even get this high!)

I was laughing so hard that Braden joined in making fun of Daddy. He told Jon he would go up and get it.
This was as high up as he got.....

Jon did eventually get the ball out. And they are so cute! I love both of my chickens!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Congratulations, Megan!

Sorry we couldn't be there. Hope you had a great day!
We love you!!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007

Just Let Me Shave It Off!

This is what all that hair looks like right after a shower. Can someone please convince these boys to shave it already? Please!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday, Dallas!

Here is Dallas enjoying her birthday ice cream.

Braden helping Dallas.

Someone is feeling left out of the party.

I Love Beth Moore

Here are a few of my favorites from our current study The Patriarchs:

God hears the prayers of His children..... I believe far more often that not God answers our prayers immediately though we may not see the fulfillment with our own eyes until much later.... Though the action tarries, it shall come.

As you stare into your Bible and take in what he says, the light of God's Word reflects off your face and you become radiant. Imagine Christ looking at His Father right this moment and saying, "Isn't she gorgeous?"

Somehow we never grow accustomed to the idea that pain and difficulties are part of the human experience. God is not going to exempt His children from life's difficulty. Rather, He highlights those very challenges to prove our faith is genuine.

There are several more, but I'll stop for now with this last one:
Everything is us that cries out in resistance to an end comes from an innate sense that we were meant to be without one.

I have a few pictures to post when I get home tonight. Today is Dallas' 2nd birthday!! I'm sure you all sent her a card/gift. She'll be so excited! I'm hoping to take her out for ice cream tonight and get a great birthday picture. Check back later! :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

My Little Hip Hopper

Here is the group picture. I have to go to the photography studio and look at his individual pics. I remembered to write a note, so hopefully I'll get there soon. His recital is next Saturday. Keep him in your prayers! He's a little shy in front of groups.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Guess What I Found

Yes, it's the bowling picture! We were so hot back in fifth grade! I am so glad big glasses are no longer in style! But we were amazing... our first year as a team, and we went to state!
(Yes, they do have a state tournament!) Carisa, Amanda, Melissa, me, and Becca
(And as far as I know, we are all married, despite our stylish early years)

Congrats, Phil!

I guess they let just about anyone graduate from college these days! And to think, this stylish guy will be teaching our children! (Just joking. Phil will be a great teacher someday.)
We love you!
Sorry we aren't there. Hope you have a great day!

Friday, May 4, 2007


My grandma and I went to the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale this morning. Wow! It was wild. For those of you that aren't familiar with Vera Bradley, you can check them out online at Every year they have a big 3-day sale at the Coliseum in Ft. Wayne. This was my first year, but I can't wait for next year. Why? They have so much stuff! Every style, every pattern! (almost, some colors obviously sell out faster than others) And to encourage people to not all come on the first day, they have special sales each day. When we were there, all microfiber items were 90% off. I bought a diaper bag for RyAnn that was regularly $98...... for $9! Actually, I totaled up Ry's purchases. Retail: $214 What I paid today: $41
There were lots of great buys. If only I had money!

Below are pictures of the crowds. These were taken near the entrance/exit. The center is row after row of tables. Then along the edges are people going through all of the stuff they grabbed, deciding what to keep and what to put back. I had a great time shopping for my family!

These are 4 eyeglasses cases I bought for my female in-laws. 3 of them are soft cases and one is a hard case. Retail: $17 each.... Today: $2 each

The lesson: Start saving and getting ideas! Next year's sale is April 30-May 3. I would love to shop for anyone. Or come on up and we'll go together!
**I won a prize today while I was there. They were playing the Driver's License game. My Texas license was beaten out by a woman from California and another from Germany, but I got a too cute dog collar and leash (retail: $15 and $17) for coming up. FREE! It's too small for Dallas, so RyAnn gets a bonus gift for Harley! Suprise!