Saturday, May 19, 2007


Sorry I haven't updated lately. We've been busy, busy! I subbed on Friday for the best class! Sure they were talkative, but they got all of their work done. Even the worksheet left for "if you have time." I was impressed!

What else happened on Friday? Only our 3 yr. anniversary!!!!! How exciting! Jon and I spent a "quiet" night at Braden's dance rehearsal. Braden had to be there by 6:15 and we left there at 9:35! (There were still over one dozen dances to rehearse) It was a long night!

Today was the big rehearsal(s). Braden had a one o'clock show and a seven o'clock show. He did great and said he wanted to dance again next year! He'll be doing hip hop again and tap!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How Exciting! Happy Anniversary!