Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Totally forgot to post pictures of the turtle we "won" the honor of taking care of for the summer! Braden's third grade class had 3 large frogs & 1 turtle. At the end of the school year, parents could fill out permission slips if they were ok with their child taking care of one of the pets for the summer. The slips were then put into a bowl and "WINNERS" were drawn. We won Turtle!

He's supposedly the easiest to care for. Once a week, Jon buys him a dozen crickets at the pet store. In between, he gets apple slices and fresh water (he has a pie pan filled with water that he likes to lounge in). Sometimes it seems like he's trying to claw his way out of the tank, so we let him hang out in the yard and explore.
Here are pictures from his first outing. Dallas enjoyed following him for about 5 minutes. Then he got too boring for her!


Unknown said...

i love the 3rd pic! i'm looking forward to hearing more about this turtle. =)

Laci said...

Ok, now I think I figured out how to post with a link to my blog...let me know if it works!