Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Before I Say Good Night.........

CONGRATULATIONS to one of my four favorite sis-in-laws, Amanda!
Not only is she about to graduate with her master's,
but she's been offered a job in Boston!
Way to go!
We love you and are so excited for this new chapter in your life!
Can't wait to see how God is going to use you!
Second on my mind: we are thinking about pulling Braden out of dance. I ran the numbers in my head this afternoon and was blown away. (I've been in denial until now!)
6 more months of dance this school year = $180
Recital costume avg. = $55
Recital tickets for Jon and I for one of two performances = $20
Recital finale t-shirt (required) = $18
Pictures (I always order the memory mate) = $10
For a grand total of approximately $285
(When you add in the 3 mo. tuition already paid, we've exceeded $300!!!!)
For a child that isn't in other things, this maybe fine. But given my child plays football, basketball, baseball, sometimes soccer, has church 2 nights a week, AND wants to take either piano or guitar lessons.............. Dance seems like a waste of money right now. And given that we are officially in a recession, doesn't $18 for a finale t-shirt seems silly? And that's for the boys shirt. The shirt the girls have to wear costs $34.
I'd love to hear other opinions on this. It just kind of seems stupid to spend so much money on something that really isn't his passion.
He really does like to dance, but was also motivated by the trophy you get for dancing for 5 yrs.
And any thoughts on guitar vs. piano?
And finally, my high school girls and I had a great discussion tonight on creation v. evolution that branched off into a ton of other areas! It made me really appreciate being able to spend this time with them as we teach each other and hopefully grow in our walks :)
Have a great night!

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