Friday, June 18, 2010

Baptism Sunday (June 13, 2010)

And one Jon took of Stacie. I just love this picture! She looks so happy :)

For those that were not able to attend and for my memory, here's what I read on stage:
(Opened with little joke about my glasses being back at my seat and how it made them all look fuzzy which helped with my nerves. Hahaha)
I actually have been baptized before. As an infant I was baptized at the Methodist church my family attended. But that was a statement of my family's beliefs, not my own. And when I was in sixth grade, I went through conformation classes for several weeks to become a member of the church. Again, that was something I did for my family. I gained nothing from those experiences.
I believed in God. I believed in Jesus. But I didn't view them as present and active in my life. I feel like we went to church most Sundays to visit them. -- Kind of like going to visit a relative.
Looking back, despite the baptism and conformation classes, I know I was not a believer. For years, I walked in darkness with the world. Making mistakes. Compromises. Searching for something that was missing in my life.
And then, while in college, I found one of those missing somethings. (Insert a choked up voice) He would eventually become my husband, but before that, he would point me to my salvation.
As we grew closer, Jon not only constantly demonstrated unconditional love, he also began to share his faith with me. Before long, I couldn't get enough. I would bombard him with question after question -- and he patiently answered each one.
Since accepting Christ, I've grown so much! God has truly blessed me through the people He's brought into my life. Our family's love and prayers have given such strength. -- Our high school LifeGroup - over the past two years, I've not only learned from them, but they've also given me confidence. As a parent who constantly sees the world telling my son it's o.k. to compromise, they've given me a glimpse. I can see what's possible for him. I just have to keep pressing on and praying until he gets there. So to my high school kids.... you're amazing! I love you so much!
Being surrounded by others who are actively walking with the Lord has been a blessing as well. Since coming to LifeHouse, I joined an awesome women's small group. And we recently joined an amazing adult LifeGroup. (Insert side note about how awesome our group is and inviting others who are thinking of joining a group to check us out. Also, as I plugged our group, insert cheers from the LifeGroup members in attendance.)
I've been involved at all of the different churches we gone to since college but I don't think I've felt as comfortable and as excepted as I have since coming to LifeHouse. So thank you all for that. And a huge thank you to everyone who has been praying for all of us. I really hate to be the center of attention. But I feel like I needed to put that aside for a few minutes and publicly state that I am in love with an awesome God and Jesus is my Savior!!


Raul said...

Proud of you! Keep living for the Lord!!

Shauna said...

Sweet Brooke, Thanks for sharing! Love your heart for the Lord.

Anonymous said...

very touching Brooke! I'm glad that you did it for YOURSELF!! Keep pressing toward the eternal prize!!

amanda said...
